Tuskfish CMS User Manual (v2)
7 April 2022 5007 views | Documentation v2
About Tuskfish CMS
Setting up your site
- Installation
- Securing your new website
- Logging in
- Configuring site preferences
- Configuring daily maintenance cron job
Adding and managing content
- Adding content
- Content fields
- Editing and deleting content
- Switching content online or offline
- Expiring content automatically
- Keeping your content portable
- The image gallery
- Maps and GPS tracks
Organising content with tags and collections
- The tagging system
- Excluding tags from the tag select box
- Collections
- Creating custom tag select boxes
Themes and templates
- The theme system
- Adding a new theme to your site
- Customising the default theme
- Changing the default theme
- Overriding the default theme
- Creating (cloning) a new theme
- Anatomy of the default theme
- How to change the size of images in a template automatically
- Creating custom favicons
- How to assign variables to a template
- How to adapt a third-party Bootstrap template for use with Tuskfish
- Alternatives to the Bootstrap Presentation Framework
Site structure
- Creating website sections
- Customising the home page (moving the single content stream elsewhere)
- Setting up type-specific index pages
- Creating a page with a custom URL
- How to create content blocks
- Generating a sitemap
- RSS feeds
- Backing up your website
- The cache system
- Error logging and debugging
- Password reset
- User management (v2.0.4+)
Advanced topics
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