A user management system is available as of Tuskfish v2.0.4, which allows trusted users to be enrolled as Editors who can create and edit content. The user management system is only accessible to the site Administrator, who is the gatekeeper for whom is allowed editorial privileges. Editors do not have access to the site preferences, but it is still a very sensitive role, so you should ensure that editors are trained in the use of Tuskfish and aware of site content policies.
User management is available from Admin => Settings => Users. The site Administrator can create, edit and delete Editors. The edit function allows the Administrator to manually reset an Editor's password, or to change their Yubikey IDs for two-factor authentication.
An Editor can also be 'online' or 'offline' from the User management table. Marking an Editor 'offline' disables their privileges and they will no longer be able to login.
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