Translating Tuskfish to another language (v2)
10 April 2022 600 views | Documentation v2
At present the default installation of Tuskfish is only available in English (Thai is on the way) but this is easy to fix:
- Make a copy of the file trust_path/libraries/tuskfish/language/english.php and give it the name of your own preferred language. For example, for Thai you would create trust_path/libraries/tuskfish/language/thai.php.
- Translate all the English phrases into your own language.
- Add the new language to listLanguages() in trust_path/libraries/tuskfish/class/Tfish/Traits/Language.php:
public function listLanguages(): array
return [
"en" => "English",
"th" => "Thai",
The new language will appear as an option in Admin => Settings => Preferences => Edit => Default languag. Selecting it will convert your site interface.
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