A maintenance release. Further internal refactoring to improve the structure and extensibility, and updates to third party libraries. An XSS vulnerability present in Bootstrap 4.0 has been patched through an update to Bootstrap V4.1.3.


  • Add canonical URL link.
  • Clean up base URL / links on index page (remove unnecessary 'index.php').
  • Use title for image alt tag if no caption is set.
  • Refactor of methods towards smaller logical components and improved compliance with the single responsibility principle.
  • Removal of magic method accessors and mutators in favour of manual getters and setters.
  • Improved error messages to increase clarity.
  • Extended bad login count and retry delay to include 2-factor authentication.
  • Fixes to pagination control.
  • Implement admin side content object controller to clean up the admin script.
  • Fix https://tuskfish.biz conversions in content module.
  • Manually set cache limiter in some pages to avoid 'document expired' errors when using the browser back button.
  • Bugfix for taglinks being deleted when a tag is edited.
  • Update to FontAwesome 5.5.
  • Update Bootstrap to V4.1.3 and remove unnecessary files.
  • Remove popper.js library (now bundled in Bootstrap).
  • Update TinyMCE to V4.8.5.

Another round of refactoring has been conducted to improve the structure of Tuskfish and to make it easier to read and to test. No new functionality has been added.


  • The larger methods have been broken down into smaller logical components, to make the code more readable and easier to test.
  • Implemented an admin controller class to clean up the admin controller script and allow reuse for common operations.
  • Extended bad login count and retry delay to the two-factor Yubikey version of the login script.
  • Converted rights to a trait to allow for reuse across system.
  • Error messages have been improved to give a more precise indication of what went wrong.

A minor refactoring and bugfix release with improvements to strengthen password hashing.


  • Switched to more appropriate password hashing algorithm (bcrypt) and the native hash_password() function.
  • Added 'expiresOn' and 'lastUpdated' to the content object table as hooks for future functionality.
  • Added 'module' as an additional column in the taglinks table to allow taglinks to be filtered by module.
  • Locked user-side gallery to image type objects, rather than returning all images from all object types.
  • Adopted usage of null coalescing operator (PHP 7) to shorten relevant ternary expressions.
  • Renamed TfAngryTree to Tftree.
  • Removed TfSecurityUtility (consolidated into TfUtils).
  • Removed TfCriteriaItemFactory (items are now handled as part of TfCriteriaFactory).
  • Added missing TfBlockHandler.
  • Fixed bug related to search operator in TfSearchContent.
  • Fixed offset bug recently introduced to pagination control.

Tuskfish has been substantially refactored to improve its internal structure, and to make it easier to extend. Please note that due to changes in the database schema version 1.1 is not compatible with previous versions.


  • Static methods have been largely eliminated in favour of dependency injection.
  • Some reassignment of methods between classes, to improve compliance with the single responsibility principle.
  • Many methods and variables renamed to better indicate function and make code more self-describing.
  • Variables, properties and database columns have been converted to camel case for consistency.
  • Class and method documentation improved.
  • Restored manual type checking in methods to reinforce the strict types directive.
  • Modularised the structure to facilitate development of discrete expansions.
  • Reverted to Bootstrap-fileinput V4.4.7 due to issues with FontAwesome.

A maintenance release, largely to update third party libraries.


  • Fix broken date in RSS feed.
  • Upgrade jQuery to V3.3.1.
  • Upgrade HTMLPurifier to V4.10.0 (PHP 7.2 compatible).
  • Upgrade Fontawesome to V5.0.13.
  • Upgrade TinyMCE to V4.7.13.
  • Upgrade Bootstrap-fileinput to V4.4.8.
  • Upgrade Bootstrap-datepicker to V1.8.


  • Fixed error breaking RSS feeds.

The baseline release of the Tuskfish content management system is now available for download. It requires PHP 7.2 or higher, with the sqlite3, PDO, pdo_sqlite, and gd extensions. Please refer to the installation guide and user manual