Tuskfish 2.0.8 released
26 November 2024 52 Downloads | .zip | 2.26 MB | Releases
Tuskfish 2.0.8 is an incremental update with a bunch of small fixes and refinements. Download it here:
New features
- Support for a 3rd Yubikey hardware token (so I don't have to fish one out of my bag :)
- Alternative compact template for collection objects: Allows child objects to be displayed as a bullet list.
- Alternative templates for different aspect ratio videos (16:9, 4:3, 21:9 and 1:1).
- Extended content online toggle (htmx) to include admin search results.
- Headers (header.php):
- Disabled content security policy header by default (inteferes with installation and inline scripts, uncomment to enable).
- Tightened security-related headers.
- Validation traits:
- Simplified IntegerCheck validation trait.
- Improve accuracy of EmailCheck validation trait.
- Added YouTube Standard License to Rights trait.
- Add unit tests for core validators.
- Expand list of alternative null byte encodings.
- Canonical URLs:
- Add canonical link to streamed files.
- Add canonical URLs for collections and tags.
- Add enclosure links to Sitemap to retain Canonical status in Google Search Console.
- Upgrade third party libraries (TinyMCE, FontAwesome, jQuery, htmx).
- Video:
- Made YouTube video player responsive.
- Changed default aspect ratio to 16:9. You can alter this to something else in the html template, if you prefer.
- Removed image from video templates (it is redundant, as the video preview provides image functionlity).
- X-XSS-Protection header removed.
- Removed meta title from URL query strings (outdated, it just annoys Google Search Console so lets stop).
- Fixed unclosed html tag.
- Declare dynamically instantiated properties to get rid of notices.
- Fix https protocol in TFISH_ENCLOSURE_URL.
- Fixed duplicate tag parameter in pagination control (cosmetic issue).
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