class Logger

Provides a custom error handler which writes to a logfile.

Custom error handler functions such as this one should return FALSE; otherwise calls to trigger_error($msg, E_USER_ERROR) will not cause a script to stop execution!


Provides methods for validating UTF-8 character encoding and string composition.


encodeEscapeUrl(string $url)

URL-encode and escape a query string for use in a URL.

isAlnum(string $alnum)

Check that a string is comprised solely of alphanumeric characters.

isAlnumUnderscore(string $alnumUnderscore)

Check that a string is comprised solely of alphanumeric characters and underscores.

isAlpha(string $alpha)

Check that a string is comprised solely of alphabetical characters.

isUtf8(string $text)

Check if the character encoding of text is UTF-8.

trimString(mixed $text)

Cast to string, check UTF-8 encoding and strip trailing whitespace and control characters.



logError(int $errno = null, string $error = '', string $file = '', int $line = null)

Tuskfish custom error logger class.


in ValidateString at line 41
string encodeEscapeUrl(string $url)

URL-encode and escape a query string for use in a URL.

Trims, checks for UTF-8 compliance, rawurlencodes and then escapes with htmlspecialchars(). If you wish to use the data on a landing page you must decode it with htmlspecialchars_decode() followed by rawurldecode() in that order. But really, if you are using any characters that need to be encoded in the first place you should probably just stop.


string $url Unescaped input URL.

Return Value

string Encoded and escaped URL.

in ValidateString at line 59
bool isAlnum(string $alnum)

Check that a string is comprised solely of alphanumeric characters.

Accented regional characters are rejected. This method is designed to be used to check database identifiers or object property names.


string $alnum Input to be tested.

Return Value

bool True if valid alphanumerical string, false otherwise.

in ValidateString at line 77
bool isAlnumUnderscore(string $alnumUnderscore)

Check that a string is comprised solely of alphanumeric characters and underscores.

Accented regional characters are rejected. This method is designed to be used to check database identifiers or object property names.


string $alnumUnderscore Input to be tested.

Return Value

bool True if valid alphanumerical or underscore string, false otherwise.

in ValidateString at line 95
bool isAlpha(string $alpha)

Check that a string is comprised solely of alphabetical characters.

Tolerates vanilla ASCII only. Accented regional characters are rejected. This method is designed to be used to check database identifiers or object property names.


string $alpha Input to be tested.

Return Value

bool True if valid alphabetical string, false otherwise.

in ValidateString at line 113
bool isUtf8(string $text)

Check if the character encoding of text is UTF-8.

All strings received from external sources must be passed through this function, particularly prior to storage in the database.


string $text Input string to check.

Return Value

bool True if string is UTF-8 encoded otherwise false.

in ValidateString at line 131
string trimString(mixed $text)

Cast to string, check UTF-8 encoding and strip trailing whitespace and control characters.

Removes trailing whitespace and control characters (ASCII <= 32 / UTF-8 points 0-32 inclusive), checks for UTF-8 character set and casts input to a string. Note that the data returned by this function still requires escaping at the point of use; it is not database or XSS safe.

As the input is cast to a string do NOT apply this function to non-string types (int, float, bool, object, resource, null, array, etc).


mixed $text Input to be trimmed.

Return Value

string Trimmed and UTF-8 validated string.

at line 40


at line 58
bool logError(int $errno = null, string $error = '', string $file = '', int $line = null)

Tuskfish custom error logger class.

Errors are logged to TFISH_ERROR_LOG_PATH (default is /trust_path/log/tuskfish_log.txt). For debugging purpose you can reverse the comment status of the last two lines to display errors on screen. Be aware, however, that this will prevent script execution from halting when an error is triggered, which has security implications. You must therefore CLOSE your site via the admin preferences before doing this. Comment the lines back out before re-opening your site.


int $errno The level of the error raised.
string $error The error message.
string $file Name of the file where the error occurred.
int $line Line number the error was raised at.

Return Value

bool Returns false to halt script execution.