class FileHandler

Provides methods for handling common file operations.

In some cases, sensitive operations are restricted to a particular directory (for example, file uploads).


Provides a list of common (permitted) mimetypes for file uploads.
Validates that a filename or path does NOT contain directory traversals in any form.
Provides methods for validating UTF-8 character encoding and string composition.



Return a list of permitted audio mimetypes and extensions.

from Mimetypes

Return a list of permitted image mimetypes and extensions.

from Mimetypes

Return a list of permitted video mimetypes and extensions.

from Mimetypes

Returns an array of mimetypes that are permitted for upload to the media directory.

from Mimetypes
hasTraversalorNullByte(string $path)

Check if a file path contains traversals (including encoded traversals) or null bytes.

encodeEscapeUrl(string $url)

URL-encode and escape a query string for use in a URL.

isAlnum(string $alnum)

Check that a string is comprised solely of alphanumeric characters.

isAlnumUnderscore(string $alnumUnderscore)

Check that a string is comprised solely of alphanumeric characters and underscores.

isAlpha(string $alpha)

Check that a string is comprised solely of alphabetical characters.

isUtf8(string $text)

Check if the character encoding of text is UTF-8.

trimString(mixed $text)

Cast to string, check UTF-8 encoding and strip trailing whitespace and control characters.

appendToFile(string $filepath, string $contents)

Append a string to a file.

clearDirectory(string $filepath)

Deletes the contents of a specific directory, subdirectories are unaffected.

deleteDirectory(string $filepath)

Destroys a directory and all contents recursively relative to the data_file directory.

deleteFile(string $filepath)

Destroys an individual file in the data_file directory.

uploadFile(string $filename, string $fieldname)

Upload a file to the uploads/image or uploads/media directory and set permissions to 644.


in Mimetypes at line 36
array listAudioMimetypes()

Return a list of permitted audio mimetypes and extensions.

Return Value


in Mimetypes at line 51
array listImageMimetypes()

Return a list of permitted image mimetypes and extensions.

Return Value


in Mimetypes at line 65
array listVideoMimetypes()

Return a list of permitted video mimetypes and extensions.

Return Value


in Mimetypes at line 85
array listMimetypes()

Returns an array of mimetypes that are permitted for upload to the media directory.

NOTE: Adding HTML or any other scripting language or executable to this list would be a BAD IDEA, as such files can include PHP code, although uploaded files have execution permissions removed and are stored outside of the web root in order to prevent direct access by browser.

Return Value

array Array of permitted mimetypes and extensions.

in TraversalCheck at line 46
bool hasTraversalorNullByte(string $path)

Check if a file path contains traversals (including encoded traversals) or null bytes.

Directory traversals are not permitted in Tuskfish method parameters. If a path is found to contain a traversal it is presumed to be an attack. Encoded traversals are a clear sign of attempted abuse.

In general untrusted data should never be used to construct a file path. This method exists as a second line safety measure.


string $path

Return Value

bool True if a traversal or null byte is found, otherwise false.

See also

in ValidateString at line 41
string encodeEscapeUrl(string $url)

URL-encode and escape a query string for use in a URL.

Trims, checks for UTF-8 compliance, rawurlencodes and then escapes with htmlspecialchars(). If you wish to use the data on a landing page you must decode it with htmlspecialchars_decode() followed by rawurldecode() in that order. But really, if you are using any characters that need to be encoded in the first place you should probably just stop.


string $url Unescaped input URL.

Return Value

string Encoded and escaped URL.

in ValidateString at line 59
bool isAlnum(string $alnum)

Check that a string is comprised solely of alphanumeric characters.

Accented regional characters are rejected. This method is designed to be used to check database identifiers or object property names.


string $alnum Input to be tested.

Return Value

bool True if valid alphanumerical string, false otherwise.

in ValidateString at line 77
bool isAlnumUnderscore(string $alnumUnderscore)

Check that a string is comprised solely of alphanumeric characters and underscores.

Accented regional characters are rejected. This method is designed to be used to check database identifiers or object property names.


string $alnumUnderscore Input to be tested.

Return Value

bool True if valid alphanumerical or underscore string, false otherwise.

in ValidateString at line 95
bool isAlpha(string $alpha)

Check that a string is comprised solely of alphabetical characters.

Tolerates vanilla ASCII only. Accented regional characters are rejected. This method is designed to be used to check database identifiers or object property names.


string $alpha Input to be tested.

Return Value

bool True if valid alphabetical string, false otherwise.

in ValidateString at line 113
bool isUtf8(string $text)

Check if the character encoding of text is UTF-8.

All strings received from external sources must be passed through this function, particularly prior to storage in the database.


string $text Input string to check.

Return Value

bool True if string is UTF-8 encoded otherwise false.

in ValidateString at line 131
string trimString(mixed $text)

Cast to string, check UTF-8 encoding and strip trailing whitespace and control characters.

Removes trailing whitespace and control characters (ASCII <= 32 / UTF-8 points 0-32 inclusive), checks for UTF-8 character set and casts input to a string. Note that the data returned by this function still requires escaping at the point of use; it is not database or XSS safe.

As the input is cast to a string do NOT apply this function to non-string types (int, float, bool, object, resource, null, array, etc).


mixed $text Input to be trimmed.

Return Value

string Trimmed and UTF-8 validated string.

at line 49
bool appendToFile(string $filepath, string $contents)

Append a string to a file.

Do not set the $filepath using untrusted data sources, such as user input.


string $filepath Path to the target file.
string $contents Content to append to the target file.

Return Value

bool True on success false on failure.

at line 91
bool clearDirectory(string $filepath)

Deletes the contents of a specific directory, subdirectories are unaffected.

Do NOT set the $filepath using untrusted data sources, such as user input.


string $filepath Path to the target directory.

Return Value

bool True on success false on failure.

at line 181
bool deleteDirectory(string $filepath)

Destroys a directory and all contents recursively relative to the data_file directory.

Do NOT set the $filepath using untrusted data sources, such as user input.


string $filepath Path relative to data_file directory.

Return Value

bool True on success, false on failure.

at line 251
bool deleteFile(string $filepath)

Destroys an individual file in the data_file directory.

Do not set the $filepath using untrusted data sources, such as user input.


string $filepath Path relative to the data_file directory.

Return Value

bool True on success, false on failure.

at line 303
string|bool uploadFile(string $filename, string $fieldname)

Upload a file to the uploads/image or uploads/media directory and set permissions to 644.


string $filename Filename.
string $fieldname Name of form field associated with this upload ('image' or 'media').

Return Value

string|bool Filename on success, false on failure.