class CriteriaFactory

Factory for instantiating Criteria objects and injecting dependencies.

Use this class to delegate construction of Criteria objects. See the Tuskfish Developer Guide for a full explanation and examples.



Factory method to instantiate and return a Criteria object.

item(string $column, mixed $value, string $operator = '=')

Factory method to instantiate and return a Tfish\CriteriaItem object.


at line 38
Criteria criteria()

Factory method to instantiate and return a Criteria object.

Return Value

Criteria Instance of a \Tfish\Criteria object.

at line 53
CriteriaItem item(string $column, mixed $value, string $operator = '=')

Factory method to instantiate and return a Tfish\CriteriaItem object.


string $column Name of column in database table. Alphanumeric and underscore characters only.
mixed $value Value of the column.
string $operator See \Tfish\CriteriaItem::listPermittedOperators() for a list of acceptable operators.

Return Value
